Yoga Practices with Irina Morrison

Yoga Practices with Irina Morrison

Irina Morrison – Transformational Yogini
Founder of I.M. Yoga
Co-founder of Enlightening Journeys

After spending 15 years in fast-paced roles such as Executive Assistant and Rehabilitation Officer, Irina hung her designer suits in the back of the wardrobe and replaced them with her Yoga Pants. Irina’s deep seeded passion for yoga quickly became the core of her new career, and she now runs regular weekly, assisting people from all walks of life to improve their well-being and discover the essence of yoga. Her caring nature and service to her students and community is true embodiment of yoga; she can easily find the balance between physical and spiritual to give an understanding of what it means to be human today and to be human together. Creating nurturing environment, Irina leads students onto a profound journey of discovery of their bodies, minds and hearts.

As a Co-founder of Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions, a new venture with a commitment to help people make further leaps in their spiritual awakening and development; Irina is committed to delivering and facilitating extraordinary online courses and inner journeys that will upgrade one’s spirit, body, and mind.

Irina is also involved with the work of UNITY EARTH, a global network on a mission to accelerate the realisation of unity and peace on Earth.
Inspired by the world’s wisdom traditions and born out of the desire to meet global-sized challenges with global-sized solutions, UNITY EARTH network is built to amplify the reach and impact of peace-aligned organizations and individuals.

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Yoga Practices with Irina Morrison
  • 1. Bridge Vinyasa with Irina Morrison

    Short Vinyasa sequence that builds strength and flexibility of the physical body, and evokes sense of compassion on an energetic level. Suitable for all levels.

  • 2. Hatha Yoga Grounding Sequence with Irina Morrison

    Gentle seated Hatha sequence for grounding, best done in the morning or whenever needed to come back to the center. Suitable for all levels.

  • 3. Hatha Yoga Strength Sequence with Irina Morrison

    This simple standing sequence works on grounding through strength and personal power; it connects to the creative essence and harmony, inviting joy and inspiration into one’s life. It frees from limitations. Suitable for all levels.

  • 4. Yin Yoga and Harp Sounds, Module 1: Lower Body, Lower Chakras

    This 30-minute practice will work through legs, hips, stomach, waste line and lower back, therefore activating meridians that run through lower body and are in relation to digestive system and internal organs such as kidneys, liver and gall bladder. Lower body and lower chakras are related to our...

  • 5. Yin Yoga and Harp Sounds, Module 2: Chest, Shoulders & Neck w/ Irina Morrison

    This 30-minute practice works on Heart and Throat Chakras, body parts and organs in chest and neck area. Entire sequence is to be done in stillness, in a meditative state, listening to the harp sounds (preferable with earphones), allowing vibrations of harp music to enter your body and your energ...

  • 6. Yin Yoga and Harp Sounds, Module 3: Learn to Relax with Irina Morrison

    In this module we will explore the two upper chakras – Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Poses are relaxing and held for longer to allow sufficient time for all the muscles group to relax and to quiet the mind.
    Entire sequence is to be done in stillness, in a meditative state, listening to the harp sou...

  • 7. Yin Yoga & Harp Sounds, Module 4: Yoga Nidra with Irina Morrison

    Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. Yoga Nidra offers deep rest and relaxation that isn’t found in your average meditation practice. Combined with Restorative Savasana pose and soothing harp sounds, Yoga Ni...