Daring to Live an Authentic Life

Daring to Live an Authentic Life

In the DARING TO LIVE AN AUTHENTIC LIFE 8-Week Masterclass, you will discover how to…
• Be better able to move through fear when it arises
• Put things back together in your life when they have broken apart
• Know what is worth keeping in your life, and what you need to let go of to keep growing
• Learn a simple method for using the power of your mind to manifest whatever you desire
• Strengthen your relationships by giving your time and energy to help those around you
• Develop a sustaining practice of living in a state of gratitude
• Say “Yes” to life in every moment of your day and take advantage of new opportunities as they open up
• How to raise the frequency of your dominant thoughts and beliefs to the vibration of joyful expectancy
• Recognize and own your true self-worth and carry that awareness with you in every interaction
• Observe the world around you without judgment
• Rise to challenges in your life that might seem impossible now
• Embody courage as a more powerful tool than confidence to move you through uncertainty
• Overcome your fear by literally talking to it and learning from it without allowing it to paralyze you
• Engage the 5 pillars of wellness to ensure you are living the healthiest most vital life possible
• Use the power of self-forgiveness to release the burdens you have placed on yourself throughout your life
• More successfully and effectively follow your joy and in doing so, inspire others to follow theirs

And so much more…

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Daring to Live an Authentic Life
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  • 1. The Fire of Aliveness with Mark Nepo

    There are two fires you encounter daily. The first is the fire of life that can reduce you to joy by burning away all that is false and not essential. This is the fire of aliveness that wants to be fed by everything you do — the light of the...

  • 2. Making Sense of What Happens to You with Mark Nepo

    You cannot escape the river of experience, as it lifts, sinks and shapes you. You are birthed and transformed by it, and each experience adds a word to the language of your own wisdom that you must decipher in order to fully understand. Accepting experience as your constant teacher will open you ...

  • 3. Pain, Fear, and Seeing Things as They Are with Mark Nepo

    There are two ways human beings grow: by willfully shedding what does not serve us, and by being broken open. They often happen at the same time and are caused by the frictions of being human, including pain, fear, worry, and doubt. Once you learn how to receive and move through these frictions i...

  • 4. The Agents of Kindness with Mark Nepo

    Just as the sun causes every plant to grow, the one unnamable Spirit causes all forms of belief to enter the world. And just as each plant has a role to play in the incarnation of nature, all forms of belief are needed for the incarnation of humanity. Our survival as a species requires that we ac...

  • 5. The Transformative Power of the Impulse to Goodness with Mark Nepo

    The very force of life that compels plants and trees to break ground, also causes human beings to care for one another and join together. The impulse to kindness and to develop relationships ensures that life keeps going, just as we are born with the drive to get up one more time than we fall dow...

  • 6. The Teachers All Around You with Mark Nepo

    Teachers surround you everywhere you go, and not always in the form of other people. Every moment of your life as it unfolds holds insights that can help you live in more impactful and fulfilling ways. Since no single one of us can see or comprehend the whole of life, we need others and the parts...

  • 7. The Extraordinary Power of Inner Work and Service with Mark Nepo

    Every generation must discover on its own, through love and suffering, that we are all part of the same whole, and that caring for one another is the only way we can truly care for ourselves. In our daily lives, we are faced with the challenge of ever-reaffirming our connection to this fundamenta...

  • 8. Wandering Authentically & Actively Engaging with Life as it Unfolds - M. Nepo

    When things happen in your life or in the world that remind you how precious life is, it can inspires you to lead a life of honest expression and action as a way of affirming that preciousness. This often begins by reminding yourself what really matters and trying to keep that more in focus even ...

  • 9. Say Yes to Your Life with Kris Carr

    Are you saying “no” to life because you’re afraid to rock the boat, stretch beyond your comfort zone, or even feel your feelings? You are not alone. It takes courage to live like we mean it. And when we’re fully alive, it’s because we’re saying “yes” to life more often than not — even when it act...

  • 10. Your Purpose is Bigger Than You Think with Kris Carr

    We often tie ourselves in knots while searching for the answers to big questions like: What am I supposed to be doing with my life? But when our purpose is external, we may never find it. What if our purpose is simpler and more soulful? What if it has nothing to do with our jobs or accomplishment...

  • 11. Challenge Your Impossible with Kris Carr

    Growth isn’t linear –– it’s an ongoing and ever-evolving invitation. The same is true for our healing, whether it’s an emotional wound, physical injury, or illness, setbacks and comebacks are part of the process. In fact, they make us more flexible and resilient. So what gets in the way of this n...

  • 12. Choose Courage with Kris Carr

    We often imagine that if we were more skillful or confident, we’d be more capable of saying yes to life, when in reality, we’re all students on this great adventure. Our invitation is to focus less on our confidence and instead choose courage. Doing so allows us to keep learning, growing and movi...

  • 13. Invite Your Fear to Tea with Kris Carr

    Fear is often vilified. We’re encouraged to rid ourselves of it by any means possible, but some fear is normal and holds valuable information. In fact, we can’t amputate any of our feelings and expect to be whole. Our invitation is to learn how to work with our fear and interpret its guidance, ra...

  • 14. Tend and Befriend Yourself with Kris Carr

    Self-care is health-care, and it’s an essential and joyful practice for feeling fully alive. Each of us is lovingly called to participate in our health by making more energy deposits than withdrawals. But how do we know what to do in a noisy, confusing and often contradictory wellness world? It’s...

  • 15. Let Yourself Off the Hook with Kris Carr

    Whatever weighs you down, whether it’s anger or resentment from someone else’s wrong, guilt over one of your own, or an ongoing tension from criticizing yourself or your body, you have the healing power to lay your burden down and let yourself off the hook. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself...

  • 16. Follow Your Joy with Kris Carr

    Joy isn’t just a feel-good emotion. It affects our biology at the cellular level and is a key indicator for our overall well-being. Allow joy to be your compass as you update your vision for fully alive living. Recognize it as a wise problem solver, health booster, and contentment creator. Joy is...

  • Kris Carr Mentoring #3 6-25-21

  • Mark Nepo Mentoring #2 6-17-21

  • Mark Nepo Mentoring #1 6-9-21

  • Mark Nepo & Kris Carr Fireside Chat 5-25-21

  • Daring to Live - Kris Carr - Shine Your Light

  • Daring to Live Bonus - Mark Nepo - Inside the Miracle

  • Daring to Live Bonus - Mark Nepo - Living in Presence