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2. Making Sense of What Happens to You with Mark Nepo

Daring to Live an Authentic Life

Up Next in Daring to Live an Authentic Life

  • 3. Pain, Fear, and Seeing Things as T...

    There are two ways human beings grow: by willfully shedding what does not serve us, and by being broken open. They often happen at the same time and are caused by the frictions of being human, including pain, fear, worry, and doubt. Once you learn how to receive and move through these frictions i...

  • 4. The Agents of Kindness with Mark Nepo

    Just as the sun causes every plant to grow, the one unnamable Spirit causes all forms of belief to enter the world. And just as each plant has a role to play in the incarnation of nature, all forms of belief are needed for the incarnation of humanity. Our survival as a species requires that we ac...

  • 5. The Transformative Power of the Im...

    The very force of life that compels plants and trees to break ground, also causes human beings to care for one another and join together. The impulse to kindness and to develop relationships ensures that life keeps going, just as we are born with the drive to get up one more time than we fall dow...