Morning Altars with Day Schildkret

Morning Altars with Day Schildkret

Day Schildkret is internationally renowned as the author, artist and teacher behind the Morning Altars movement, inspiring tens of thousands of people to make life more beautiful and meaningful through ritual, nature and art.
With nearly 100K followers on social media and sold-out workshops, installations, trainings, and public speaking events worldwide, BuzzFeed calls Day’s work, “a celebration of nature and life.” Day has worked for close to two decades with thousands of individuals, communities and organizations to help heal the culture through a meaningful and creative response to marking personal and collective change.
Day is the author of Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration and Change (Simon Element/Simon & Schuster) which hit Amazon’s #1 book in three categories, as well as, Morning Altars: A 7-Step Practice to Nourish Your Spirit through Nature, Art and Ritual (The Countryman Press/W.W. Norton). He is also the founder and principal instructor of the Morning Altars Practitioner & Teacher Training.
Day has taught workshops and created installations at Google, The 9/11 Memorial Plaza, The Hammerstein Ballroom, The Andy Warhol Foundation, California Academy of Sciences, Esalen, and many others.
His work has been featured on NBC, CBS, Buzzfeed, Vice, Well+Good, My Modern Met and four times in Spirituality & Health Magazine.
More about Day at and and @morningaltars on Instagram / Facebook.

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Morning Altars with Day Schildkret
  • Morning Altars - EP 1 - Introduction


    In this first episode, host Day Schildkret shares his personal story of loss and introspection, and how he came to discover the healing power of nature, art, and ritual that led to the development of the Morning Altars practice. Featuring a...

  • Morning Altars - EP 2 - Step 1 - Wander and Wonder

    Day explains how to approach Step 1 to begin to see the world with curiosity and childlike wonder. Treasures exist all around you, but you may fail to notice beauty in the familiar surroundings and objects you see every day. Remember to value the journey and to not be transfixed on the destinatio...

  • Morning Altars - EP 3 - Step 2 - Place

    Step two is all about letting yourself arrive and being consciously present in the space where you will create your altar. Ask yourself, “Where am I?” Use all your senses. Sit, listen, and feel. Become more grounded and in touch with the space. To help you slow down and reconnect with your surrou...

  • Morning Altars - EP 4 - Step 3 - Clear

    Day guides you through creating a canvas, the blank space where you will build your altar. Before you clear an area, sit with the debris and what came before you. Day encourages you to be with what was before you create something new. As you clear your space, take your time and be mindful of the ...

  • Morning Altars - EP 5 - Step 4 - Create

    The fourth step in the Morning Alters practice is where you begin to create. Day offers guidance for getting started and reminds us that this is fun! There are no right or wrong decisions, just the next one. Start from the center and allow your design to ripple out. Experiment with patterns and b...

  • Morning Altars - EP 6 - Step 5 - Gift

    In step five, Day explains the process of gifting your altar, transforming your work from an art practice into a devotional practice. Ask yourself, “Who or what am I dedicating this altar to?” Dedicate it to someone or something important in your life and let the beauty nourish and feed what has ...

  • Morning Altars - EP 7 - Step 6 - Share

  • Morning Altars - EP 8 - Step 7 - Let Go

    In step seven, Day gives a gentle reminder that the beauty you made wasn’t meant to last. He encourages returning to your altar over time to witness its decay. In perhaps the most important step of all, letting go of something you meticulously created allows you to practice observing and relating...

  • Morning Altars - EP 9 - Finale

    In this final chapter, Day encourages you to tap into your innate creativity and limitless imagination as you begin the Morning Altars practice. Let your five-year-old self lead the adult in you back into belonging. The world is calling you. Become the explorer you were meant to be so you can exi...

  • Morning Altars - Alternate Practices - Indoor (.pdf)

    924 KB

    7-Step practice for indoor environments (downloadable PDF file)