BACC - MODULE 5 - The Invisible Programming that Controls Our Lives
Become a Conscious Creator with Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. & Dr. Shamini Jain
There are two interdependent sources of consciousness: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. While the conscious mind is “creative,” the subconscious mind is programmed with “habits,” behavioral programs over which we normally exert no conscious control. In this video module, Bruce will explore how these subconscious programs, which operate below our conscious awareness, were “downloaded” into the mind from the last trimester of pregnancy through the first seven years of our lives. He will also explain how they normally control 95% of our behavior, and how when we switch to controlling them more consciously, our lives radically change. For example, when we fall in love, it is our conscious mind that creates the ecstatic state we experience, and when the programming of the subconscious mind eventually overrides our conscious mind, the elevated, ecstatic state returns to what it knows as “normal.”
Up Next in Become a Conscious Creator with Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. & Dr. Shamini Jain
BACC - MODULE 6 - How the Mind Contro...
Epigenetics reveals how consciousness controls our biology. In contrast, quantum physics offers insight into how consciousness also creates our behavior and shapes our life experiences through the process of entanglement. In this video module, Bruce will explore how EEG (electroencephalography) a...
BACC - MODULE 7 - Manifesting Heaven ...
To get even deeper insight into how we create our life experience, we must fully define the nature of both conscious and subconscious behavior. We must also gain a deeper understanding of the interconnected energy that comprises everything in the Universe. In this video module, Bruce will explore...
BACC - MODULE 8 - Who Are We Really?
While “spirit” is not itself a religious concept, conventional science disregards the concept of spirituality, dismissing it as a metaphysical notion. In contrast, quantum physics emphasizes that the whole Universe is an expression of entangled energy. In this video module, Bruce will explore a r...