ASLC-07 - Seeing and Acting Without Bias with Neale Donald Walsch
The Art & Science of Living Consciously with Neale Donald Walsch & Steve Farrell
In this video module, Neale will explore the ineffectiveness of the concepts of justice and punishment, and why they have no place in the world we are evolving toward. True justice is actually proactive, meaning honestly assessing situations and acknowledging all pertinent issues, and then doing what works best for all humanity to solve them. Neale will teach you the “art” of seeing both problems and solutions clearly, without bias or agenda, and then implement those solutions without the conscientiousness that accompanies so many big decisions in the world as it is now. He will also examine the incredible power of avoiding the perception of insufficiency and always seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty.
Up Next in The Art & Science of Living Consciously with Neale Donald Walsch & Steve Farrell
ASLC-08 - Stewardship Instead of Owne...
In this video module, Neale will explore the failings and folly of the principle of ownership, and the staggering number of problems it has created in our current world. In the better world we are working toward, the practices of sharing and stewardship will be foundational outgrowths of the Onen...
ASLC-09 - Living in Divine Power & Lo...
In this video module, Steve will explore how God empowers us to achieve anything we wish, and how we are able to experience the power of the Divine as part of the omnipresence, omniscience and the omnipotence of all things. As we are waking up to all possibilities that are within our reach, we mu...
ASLC-10 - Collaboration Not Competiti...
In this video module, Steve will explore the reality that humans in an unawakened state often engage in fierce competition with each other, but that when we awaken to the pure truth of our Oneness, we are no longer drawn to compete against each other in any way. In short, this means we do not eng...