Sacred Journey - Mod 10 - Universoul Evolution
Sacred Journey of Conscious Evolution
Leading-edge scientific research has shown that the multidimensional cosmic intelligence of our nonlocally unified and essentially living Universe – the Universoul – embeds an inborn evolutionary impulse in its entirety. And this evolution flows from simplicity to complexity in ever-greater levels of individuated and interdependent self-awareness.
In this module, Jude will explore how this impulse is embodied in humanity on personal, collective, and archetypal levels. She will also examine the ways the Universoul’s evolution reveals our own inborn evolutionary purpose, as individuals and as a species, showing us how we can enter the lived adventure and evolutionary flow of relationships and communications with the Universoul’s multidimensional sentience, allowing it to guide us in how to attune and align with its unfolding emergence to consciously evolve.
Up Next in Sacred Journey of Conscious Evolution
Sacred Journey - Mod 11 - A Unitive N...
With the emergent and evidence-based science of a WholeWorld-View, a unitive new narrative provides a foundation to serve the conscious evolution of humanity. It supports us in healing our collective worldview from the illusion of separation to a perspective of unity in diversity.
In this module...
Sacred Journey - Mod 12 - We Are Gaians
The multidimensional Universoul consciousness is embodied in the archetypal sentience of our “Soular” System and the physical and elemental realms of our planetary home, Gaia. Gaia has been nurturing the emergence and evolution of this self-aware consciousness for over four billion years, and her...
Sacred Journey - Mod 13 - The 8 eSSen...
In order to optimize and synergize your co-creative relationships with others and the multidimensional sentience of Gaia and the Universoul, you can draw on unitive and evolutionary practices to guide you experientially. These practices offer a profound and practical initiatory path to serve and ...