Metaphysics and Mystery with Charles Eisenstein

Metaphysics and Mystery with Charles Eisenstein

Questions are often more potent than their answers. This course will evoke new questions arising from deep within you that will set in motion a process of clarity and connection. New habits of thought and ways of seeing will crystallize within you. This course bridges the gap between the esoteric and the commonsense.

Each of the seven units of the course includes several short-format video transmissions from Charles Eisenstein, accompanied by meditations and other practices designed to deepen and stabilize the information.

This course utilizes paradox as a tool for mental expansion. A paradox reveals hidden inconsistencies. Follow them, hold them, and they unlock new understanding of the deep questions behind them: Who am I? What is real? Why am I here? Why is the world? These are among the questions that are more potent than their answers.

Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, public speaker, and author who examines the unspoken narratives that direct our society and our lives. His work covers a wide range of topics, including the history of human civilization, consciousness, economics, spirituality, interdependence, ecology, and how myth and story influence culture. He is the author of The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics, and The Ascent of Humanity.

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Metaphysics and Mystery with Charles Eisenstein