Your Life Through a Divine Lens with Rev. Sue Frederick

Your Life Through a Divine Lens with Rev. Sue Frederick

This five-part course will lift you into your soul’s view of life for an enlightening and empowering perspective. It includes Rev Sue Frederick’s personal out-of-body vision that changed her point of view forever, as well as her three extraordinary Shared-Death Experiences spanning from 1980 to the present that show there is no death. You’ll also receive two guided meditations to help you quiet your mind and trust your soul’s wisdom, and an overview of Rev Sue’s Sacred Numerology teachings.

After teaching this work for decades, and writing numerous books about shifting from the ego into the soul’s wisdom, Rev Sue recently experienced a sudden health crisis and a dark night of the soul. By using the sacred techniques found in this video course, she emerged with a miraculous new story and more passion than ever to share these tools that are powerful enough to get you through your own dark night of the soul. These tools have brought Rev Sue and thousands of her clients and students, no matter what challenges they were facing, back into the light of a loving consciousness.

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Your Life Through a Divine Lens with Rev. Sue Frederick