Module 20 - 7 Steps to Connecting with Higher Consciousness: The Bless Me Method
Unlocking the Intelligence of the Afterlife
All realities, dimensions, and levels of life are completely interpenetrating. You are a multidimensional being right now, flowing throughout all the levels, but the filter of your human brain blocks your awareness of this reality. Your body is perfectly designed for the human experience and it is attuned to this world in the same way a radio, a television, or a cell phone are attuned to specific frequencies. And yet you are not limited to this experience! In this video module, Suzanne will teach you the seven simple and flexible steps designed to allow you to flow easily through the process of exchanging your tuned-in human frequency for that of the spirit realm. With intention, repetition, and practice, you will learn to easily shift your focus to a different frequency, and thus to different realities. There is a frequency band where you can meet loved ones who’ve passed, another where you can connect with your guides, and yet another where you can meet with the angels and masters. Suzanne will guide you following this step-by-step flow from normal waking human consciousness to an expanded state where you will come to know that you are part of ALL of this, and that your connection with higher consciousness is a natural ability always available to you.
Up Next in Unlocking the Intelligence of the Afterlife
Module 21 - Connecting With Loved One...
Hearing stories of others’ powerful connections with spirit opens your heart and mind, and increases the likelihood of you having those experiences yourself. In this video module, Suzanne will share the story of a young woman whose parents deeply grieved her passing, and the remarkable evidence p...
Module 22 - Working With Guides And T...
You can train yourself to tune in to the frequencies of the higher realms, where each one is like a different channel in one big network of consciousness. And because you are foundationally a part of that network, you can never be separated from it. We are all aspects of this One Field, eternally...
Module 23 - Using Inspired Writing To...
Do you want to connect with the historical masters of our planet, or with famous people, as Suzanne has done? Do you miss a beloved pet and wish to continue to interact with them even after death? In this video module, Suzanne will teach you a new process to go beyond just connecting with loved ...