LIO 2015 5 Pillars Gay & Katie Hendricks - Living in Oneness at Midlife & Beyond
1h 1m
Steve Farrell interviews our incredible guests, Gay & Katie Hendricks, in this delightful, wisdom-filled call. Gay and Katie are internationally recognized leaders in the fields of relationship transformation, creativity, and body-mind integration. They have written over 30 books, trained thousands of coaches, appeared on Oprah, and hosted seminars around the globe. Gay and Katie have this to share about their own lives and work: "For over 30 years, we have loved, lived, and learned together. We’re our own best customers for the practices we have created. Our relationship is a living laboratory for conscious loving. We’ve broken through the muck of limiting beliefs — and explored the boundless creativity, intimacy, and ease on the other side. We do not know the entire meaning of life. But we are very sure it is not to have a bad time. We’re committed to helping others expand their capacity to give and receive love."
In this beautiful call, Gay & Katie certainly fulfill their commitment to support us in expanding our capacity to give and receive love. In sharing about their new book entitled, Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond, they give us simple, practical tools that we can apply in our relationships right away. They also share of the importance of learning to receive as well as give love, and how loving ourselves unconditionally naturally allows us to do the same for others. Further, they offer insight into how we can experience Oneness through relationship, and how when we do so, this begins to affect not only us, but also those around us. And this is only the beginning of all the wisdom shared in this amazing call!