Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 4
Our Conscious (R)evolution with Dr. Jude Currivan
Us – how our conscious evolution has brought us to a pivotal moment of choice, here and now and our opportunity to further evolve our personal consciousness to transpersonal awareness and embodiment. By activating the Universoul Heart (8th chakra) and deeper connection with the sentience of Gaia through the Earthstar (9th chakra) we can thereby expand our perception of Me to include We and All.
Up Next in Our Conscious (R)evolution with Dr. Jude Currivan
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 5
The complementary perspectives of ancient, Interspiritual and Indigenous wisdom and how leading-edge science is converging with their most profound and universal insights.
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 6
How cosmic mind creates our ‘perfect’ Universe as a meaningfully in-formed, holographically manifested and nonlocally unified entity that exists TO evolve – and we are its micro-cosmic co-creators.
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 7
How the nonlocal and multi-dimensional wholeness of our Universe naturally embodies supernormal phenomena – and attributes that are our universal heritage.