Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 10
Our Conscious (R)evolution with Dr. Jude Currivan
Shaman – how by expanding our awareness to a felt sense of co-evolutionary partnership with Gaia’s multi-dimensional sentience, her ‘gaiasphere’ enables us to more clearly hear and listen inwardly to the wisdom of our hearts, healing our relationship with our planetary home and realise our co-evolutionary potential as Gaians.
Up Next in Our Conscious (R)evolution with Dr. Jude Currivan
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 11
Seer – how by enhancing our natural intuitive and supernormal abilities, such as telepathy and remote sensing and engaging with archetypal intelligences, we can deepen our perceptions of the multi-dimensional and ultimately unified nature of reality.
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 12
Into-greation – how by integrating the three paths of sage, shaman and seer, their complementary paths of mind, heart and purpose, into-greats us into the embodied wholeness of our divine selves and the realisation of our conscious (r)evolution.
Our Conscious (R)evolution - Module 13
Act local – by expanding our circle of compassion from the ‘Me’ to encompass the ‘We’ of our communities, and in listening with the ears of our hearts to respond to the question of ‘what is mine to do’ , we can each choose to make a positive difference, however small it might appear.