The Great Upshift Conversations with Ervin Laszlo - EP7 - Neale Donald Walsch
The Great Upshift Conversations with Ervin Laszlo
1h 5m
Neale Donald Walsch is author of 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical applications in everyday life. Seven of the nine books comprising his extremely popular “Conversations with God” series have made the New York Times bestseller list, with the first one, Conversations with God, occupying a space on that list for an astonishing 134 weeks. His latest book is The God Solution published by Phoenix Books. In the book, Dawn of an Era of Well-Being, Mr. Walsch was kind enough to contribute a chapter which begins with the following inquiry:
“For years, we have received spiritual guidance to be “in this world, but not of it.” It’s been widely advised (in those exact words, actually) from the time of Jesus and suggested in more general terms as a workable modus operandi by the elders and philosophers of our species from very early on in our jointly undertaken Earthly adventures.
In more recent times this notion has been reinforced by the repeated reminders of our contemporary spiritual teachers that we are, in fact, eternal metaphysical entities, and that our purpose on Earth has to do with the soul’s agenda, not the desires of the body or the excursions of the mind.”
So now, a question.
If we really are spiritual beings living eternally and serving the Agenda of the Soul, why should we pay particular attention to our physical life—much less place the enormous amount of focus on it that most people do?
What’s the purpose of continuing our millennia-long struggle to create possibilities for heading toward a better world if we are not even of this world?
Are we wasting our time with our forever-ongoing explorations of what we can do in this physical life to create a better world? If not, what would it take to produce the outcome?
In this episode, Neale will discuss his expansive yet deeply personal outlook on spirituality. This conversation with Ervin Laszlo and Alison Goldwyn will zero in on what really matters in our spiritual journey across all faiths. After our talk with Neale, Fred Tsao will follow up with some additional, remarkably inquisitive comments on how these points can be applied to the realms of economics, leadership, and the Chinese perspective.
The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love
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