5. Keep Your Eye On The Prize
2m 22s
Module 5 – Keep Eye on the Prize
Hello. We are nearing the end of the course. I have loved reading your posts.
I work with a lot people around the world and I have seen over and over again a pattern. People give up before they win. Things get hard and they stop. Extraordinary athletes, entertainers and politicians all say that the most challenging moment was the time they had to choose to stay; to hold the vision and move forward. It was scary AND giving up was not an option.
I am asking you to complete this course in a strong and powerful way. We are going to create an affirmation. Not just any affirmation. This will be something that you connect with daily for the next six weeks. That’s right – SIX WEEKS.
If you are consistent, this affirmation will assist in the creation of the next level of your purpose. It will become a habit and you will begin to see and experience amazing shifts and manifestations.
I put AN AFFIRMATION SAMPLE in your handout but I encourage you to make up your own. An affirmation is a statement of truth. You do not have to be experiencing it yet. We are just seeding the universe.
I say my affirmation daily and have a copy by my bed, one in my purse and one in my office. When times feel challenging and the monkey mind comes in, I say it several times a day.
The idea is to keep your eye on what you want and off of anything that is in the way of your purpose unfolding. BE MINDFUL OF WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT YOUR LIFE. WORDS HAVE POWER. You might even want to create a vision board with your intention and affirmation front and center.
I am so excited for you and the world that will experience your dynamic purpose made manifest.