Transform with Angel by Angel Carlton Anderson

Transform with Angel by Angel Carlton Anderson

Angel Carlton Anderson, a seasoned author and speaker, is a beacon of inspiration in the realm of personal transformation, helping individuals evolve through change so that they transform into a greater version of themselves.

Through her books, "Dedicated to Destiny" and "Staying Afloat During Tides of Change," she imparts profound wisdom, urging readers to embrace change as a catalyst for growth and spiritual evolution. As a leadership development thought leader, radio show host, and podcaster, Angel extends her impact into communities, delivering uplifting messages of mental health, emotional wellness, and personal development.

Angel is a Numerologist and uses numerology as her secret sauce whenever helping people decode their life path. Numerology is the study of numbers and their determining influence on one's life, which create, reform, rejuvenate and reshape the trend of life.

Co-founder of "Nowhere to Knowing" with her lifelong friend Mary (Pumpkin) Herter, Angel is committed to accelerating the journey from nowhere to knowing through transformative programs, numerology, and conscious guidebooks. In collaboration with longtime friend, Crystal Meredith, she co-authors "The Golden Rule is Cool" children's book series, instilling essential values in young minds.

A former professional cheerleader for the Chicago Bulls during the Michael Jordan era, Angel proudly cheers on humanity to be resilient and win the game of life. Her journey is one of inspiration, empowerment, and a steadfast belief in the transformative power within each individual.

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Transform with Angel by Angel Carlton Anderson