The Transcendence Adventure with Pete Smith

The Transcendence Adventure with Pete Smith

This offering has been designed to lift the human spirit and take you to a new way of being. It is really simple and easy to follow and will take you somewhere between 4 and 9 weeks depending on the pace that you choose. Your commitment is less than an hour a day.
We offer you an adventure across nine separate journeys, all of them designed to move you beyond that which has held you back.
Ongoing support , sharing and guidance is available on our Facebook forum, where people at various stages of the journey share what they have already discovered and ask questions, though many prefer a personal journey.

The Transcendence Adventure, brings to you something very special and unique. We use a combination of artwork that contains vibrational frequencies, words of a higher vibration, and gentle reminders of who you really are beyond your beliefs and conditioning. The videos were filmed in an untouched rainforest in the Bellingen region of New South Wales, Australia.
The experience is different for every person who takes it.
It is like your expanded self and the universe collaborates for your overall well being.

Our adventure of 9 journeys is divided into 3 stages:

'Healing Myself'
We take you through 3 separate journeys that release any emotional issues. We guide you through separate meditations and provide resources for everyday life. This first theme is designed to overcome your challenges.

'Remembering Who I Am'
These 3 journeys are designed to allow you to uncover a deeper understanding of who you really are. Little by little your magnificence will emerge.

'Service to Others'
These final 3 journeys recognise your success to date and tune you further into a universe of possibilities and allows you to help others along the way.

You are then free to keep using the journeys so you can enjoy them anytime you wish to.

Feedback on the program:
"I have never really known the word prevailed before and now it feels so strong, a survivor ready for what's next."
"Journey 1 was a very powerful experience for me. I have felt this week better than I have felt in a long time maybe better than I have ever felt! I had moments of Joy, happiness and enthusiasm."
"I feel like I am more present and don’t really feel like I’m carrying my past around with me so much anymore."
"A sense of remembering my light, returning to a state of resonance in this time of great change in humanities consciousness. I didn't realise just how unsettled I was."
"I really loved this gentle start to the journeys, I visualised my self being cradled by my own soul"
"Thank you so much for the opportunity and opening my mind to meditation the journeys have been mind blowing amazing."
"Am sleeping better, longer..."
"I was able to relate my past family to my current life"
"This is where I realised that love is my purpose. To love and be loved. I haven't had any anxiety for a few weeks now. This journey was very important to me. I'm still not always hearing all the words - I tend to drift off but I don't think about anything when I’m drifting off any more"
"I am me and I am enough."

Points of note
• The content of the meditations are both practical and expansive and suit the needs of all "Transcenders".
• It is important to work through the program from start to finish as momentum is designed to build over the course of each meditative practice.
• The whole program is designed so you can work at your own pace and it will take you somewhere around 30-60 minutes a day
• We ask that you journal your progress as the program unfolds, so you can see how far you have come.
• Support is provided on the Facebook Forum, and you can also ask for support from one of our Transcendence Coaches (extra cost)
(link: )
• The program has been designed for anyone experiencing anxiety, depression, grief or any other life challenge OR can be used to access and main a higher vibrational state of being.

About Me
Hi, my name is Peter Smith and I'm a Consciousness Teacher, Metaphysical Researcher and author of the book 'Quantum Consciousness - journey through other realms'. I've been working to help people with all manner of emotional disorders for the last 20 years and I've trained therapists all over the world. Everything I've ever learned about our human condition and beyond has been embedded in these journeys that together, make up The Transcendence Adventure.
Your experience of these journeys will call to parts of you that are outside your line of sight. We are wonderful, complex and limitless beings and this adventure recognises that in you. You have wonders yet to be uncovered.
Let's do some of that together, I look forward to working with you!

This has not been designed as an alternative to medical advice and psychological support. It has been designed as a way to transcend the challenges you may be facing and we recommend you do both in unison.

[email protected]

Track Your Progress
Your journaling will be an important part of your path through the journeys though we also suggest you track your progress through the mood scale. Score yourself before you start a journey and then afterwards for comparison. You can also record your scores over the weeks of the Transcendence Adventure.

The Transcendence Adventure with Pete Smith