The Dance of Souls: The Relationship (R)Evolution

The Dance of Souls: The Relationship (R)Evolution

The Dance of Souls: The Relationship (R)Evolution Welcome to an exploration into conscious relationship with self, others and the Universe through an evolving understanding of the nature of Unconditional Love. See the purpose of The Dance of Souls for mirroring our light and shadow on our journey to wholeness, self-love, alignment with our divinity and true purpose as we walk in absolute trust of a conscious loving Universe.

• What do our core assumptions have to do with the reality we experience?
• What determines the quality of our relationships with self, others and the Universe?
• How do we change our frequency and thereby our reality?

In this course you will: Learn about the gifts of challenging relationships and will make The Big Flip - the shift to Beloved from victim, to gratitude from blame, shame and anger. Examine repeated behaviors and triggers that show you what's hidden in your subconscious. Bring your true gift to the party of life – YOU! To access the construct on the nature of the Universe that we base this course on, download the free e-book: “THE CONSCIOUS LOVING UNIVERSE: A Guidebook” at

Course Description

Module 1: Introduction to the Course and facilitator Connie Baxter Marlow

Module 2: Assumptions and Worldview
A look into examining and shifting core assumptions about the nature of the Universe bringing a new perspective on our life’s journey and relationships, with a meditation, exercises and journaling.

Module 3: Relationships- Repeated Behaviors, Feelings, Mask Creation, Defense Mechanisms
A deep look at relationships and upsetting behaviors that have plagued us our entire lives. Moving out of victim/perpetrator, shame/blame into the absolute loving nature of the Universe, with a meditation, exercises and journaling.

Module 4: The Internal and External Challenges
A look at our resistance to bringing hidden feelings about ourselves, shown to us by others, into the light for us to see and integrate and move beyond our mask into our true selves, with a meditation and journaling.

Module 5: Seeing the Gifts and Challenges of Intimate Relationships
We see that we incarnated to experience certain behaviors and wounds to accept and love ourselves and trust a loving Universe through understanding what creates our reality, with a meditation and journaling.

Module 6: Walking the Walk of Love, Lover, Beloved
We align our mind and heart and truly embody the understandings brought through this process by choosing how to live and respond to people and circumstances in our life, with a meditation, exercises and journaling.

This is The Dance of Souls!
Once you understand this new way of looking at relationships, you can identify the parts of yourself that need deep healing and stop the patterns of behavior that have caused you and others pain.
At the end of this course you will shift your perspective from that of pain and anger to one of love and gratitude to those people who loved you enough to dance with your soul and assist you in your journey to self-love and self-acceptance.
With a new understanding of the nature of the Universe by changing of some core assumptions you will have the tools to enjoy happier, more fulfilling relationships with self, family, others, and the circumstances in your life.

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The Dance of Souls: The Relationship (R)Evolution
  • Exercise 3-3 Mask Creation

    276 KB

  • Exercise 3-4 Defense Mechanisms

    278 KB

  • Exercise 3-5 Personality Aspect - Demeaning to Others

    284 KB

  • Exercise 3-6 Journal

    248 KB

  • 4-1 Review/Preview

    In the last module we had a look at repeated distressful behaviors of people we have been in close relationship with throughout the course of our lives.

  • Meditation: ATTENTION

    By attention we mean the conscious focusing of our awareness on a particular object or subject. We have a great deal of control over the nature, focus and intensity of our attention. Depending on where and how we choose to focus our attention, we place ourselves in vibratory alignment with the su...

  • 4-2 Letting go – Who are we? What will people do?

    Let’s first have a look at our internal challenges. Challenge number 1: Taking on new assumptions, any assumptions as ABSOLUTELY true, especially assumptions that challenge everything we’ve ever believed.

  • 4-3 Journal and Exercise

    Please Journal about your fears of letting go and concerns for how others might respond.

  • Exercise 4-1 Journal

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  • 5-1 Review/Preview

    In this module we will look at what gifts will come to us when we choose to go where the brave dare not go – into our deepest fears and insecurities!

  • Meditation: ALIGNMENT

    “A position of agreement or alliance” with whatever it is that we have chosen to place our attention on. We have the freedom to choose to align ourselves with the highest vision of which we are capable. Or not.

  • 5-2 Trusting a Loving Universe

    We can now see how challenging circumstances and people have advanced us on our journey to wholeness, we practice seeing ourselves as Love, Lover and Beloved.

  • 5-3 Journal

    Write about your experiences with this process. Has it been successful in any way. Make a note of your inner shifts.

  • Exercise 5-1 Fill Journal

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  • 6-1 Review/Preview

    You have now looked at yourself as Love, Lover, Beloved. You have taken the leap into your subconscious, had a look at your “shadow” and how people and circumstances in your life have been key players on your journey to wholeness.

  • Meditation: ACTION

    Our actions when taken in the context of conscious choice and decision, in alignment with our inner guidance and intuition, constitute the most active aspect of our consciousness. They serve to activate the mechanisms of creation. Our actions are our consciousness made manifest in the material wo...

  • 6-2 We Create Reality

    Now it is time to walk the walk. We will now give you a tool that goes beyond our soul’s journey. The 7 As of Consciousness – 7 aspects of our consciousness which begin with the letter A and determine our frequency, vibratory rate, and thereby our reality.

  • 6-3 The 7 A's of Consciousness

    We have written these 7 A’s into a sentence that one can memorize and then use as a reminder for how we can live day-by-day, hour-by-hour and create the reality of our choice.

  • Exercise 6-1 7As of Consciousness

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  • 6-4 Conclusion

    We trust you have benefited from this course in many deep and challenging ways and invite you to go further and explore with us in depth the conscious loving abundant nature of the universe.

    Email Connie at: [email protected]

  • 6-5 Journal

    Please take a look at all the journaling and assignments in Modules 2 – 5 and see how this process has served you and your relationship to others and the circumstances in your life. Has this merely been a one-time exercise or will it be foundational for your perspective on your life as it unfolds...

  • Exercise 6-2 Journal

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  • Congratulations!

    Congratulations on making through this amazing process! A final message from Connie and Andrew.

  • Meditation: ALLOWING

    This is where we step back in a state of trust, surrender, and let go of our individuality, melting into the oneness, and allowing the Universe to play its part.