The Art of Living in a Conscious Way with Annette Kaiser

The Art of Living in a Conscious Way with Annette Kaiser

Annette Kaiser was born in Zurich in 1948. After studying economics and sociology at the University of St. Gallen (CH), she worked for many years in the field of development cooperation. At the end of the 1980s she founded her Tai Ji DO school and has been training teachers ever since. From 1982 she was a student of Mrs. Irina Tweedie for 17 years and was authorized by her in 1998 to continue the specific path of love. In 2000 she developed the “practice path DO”, which she continues to develop and teach people in a non-dual, cosmocentric understanding. In today’s teaching and learning activities, Annette Kaiser focuses on the transformation of the heart of all people as a glocal way of life. As an evolutionary visionary, who sees herself in the tradition of an enlightened mysticism, she is close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Mirra Alfassa, Auroville). In her book “One World – One Humanity – One Consciousness” she invites to a Universal Spirituality.

Besides her heart’s commitment as spiritual teacher and author, she is also the founder and spiritual director of the seminar house Villa Unspunnen in Switzerland, which has been a place of silence and spiritual home for many people for 22 years. For more than 30 years she has also been president of the non-profit association “Open Hands”, which supports projects in Asia, Africa and people worldwide. She initiated the circle of the “Global Cooperative Forum”, which inspired many, and is also the initiator and “vision holder” of the European “movement” and the 2020 ONE TREE-Planting Peace initiative.

Annette Kaiser teaches worldwide, however especially in Europe. She is married, mother of two adult children and grandmother.

The Art of Living in a Conscious Way with Annette Kaiser
  • The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Intro Video


    The series "Art of Living in a Conscious Way" delves into the challenges of our world and explores human potential through five stages: waking up, cleaning up, growing up, blooming up, and standing up. It promotes transformation, oneness, a...

  • Wake Up - The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Module 1


    In this talk titled "Wake Up," Annette explores the concept of the "Art of Living in a Conscious Way" divided into five aspects. The first aspect, "Wake Up," is about being present in a moment-to-moment way, emphasizing that humans are more...

  • Clean Up - The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Module 2

    In "Clean Up," the discussion focuses on the concept of cleaning up as the next step after waking up. Cleaning up involves confronting our inner darkness, recognizing its value, and understanding how conditioning and layers hide our true nature of oneness and love. This process includes working w...

  • Growing Up - The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Module 3

    "Growing Up" is a discussion about personal growth and self-awareness, emphasizing continuous integration of life's aspects. It involves shedding attachment, embracing the present, and taking responsibility for one's life. This journey encompasses body, emotions, and mind, as well as interactions...

  • Blooming Up - The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Module 4

    This video features a discussion on the concept of "blooming up" and the uniqueness of individuals. Annette starts by discussing the pre-personal self, which is the stage where a newborn is still one with the world and not consciously separate. The talk delves into the idea of the separate self, ...

  • Standing Up - The Art of Living in a Conscious Way - Module 5

    This video delves into the concept of "standing up" as a novel dimension of conscious living. Annette underscores the significance of being fully present in our daily lives and cultivating gratitude for the present moment and life itself. "Standing up" is portrayed as an act of sharing the blessi...