Stargate Egypt & Esoteric Kemetic with William Henry
Author, investigative mythologist, regular guest presenter on Ancient Aliens, and star of Arcanum TV, William Henry is your guide into the transformative power of art and symbols of human ascension. He has been documenting humanity’s awakening to its spiritual magnificence for over 20 years. Inspired by the great accomplishments of antiquity, William brings the evidence of our divinity. By bringing to life the stories of ascension through art, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space.
He is the author of sixteen books and numerous DVD programs on ancient mythology and neo-archaeology with a Stargate twist. By applying the latest theories in science and consciousness to ancient myths of the gates of the illumined gods, including Sumerian, Egyptian and Holy Grail gateway myths, he hopes to uncover the secrets of the guarded, by such groups as the Illuminati. His latest book, Oracle of the Illuminati, states that we are on the verge of rediscovering the sacred science of creating peace on Earth.
Produced by:
Portal to Ascension
Stargate Egypt & Esoteric Kemetic Art Part 1
Stargate Egypt & Esoteric Kemetic Art Part 2