Regenerative Herbalism Foundations with Sarah Wu

Regenerative Herbalism Foundations with Sarah Wu

Permaculture for Medicine People

This course offers the foundation to the integrated perspectives on Regenerative Herbalism. Intersecting herbal medicine, environmentalism, permaculture philosophy and the current state of the world with respect to ecosystem degradation and healing, social impact and the role of the healthcare advocate, Sarah offers a unique insight into these broad disciplines.
Divided into three sections, Sarah first explores the social history and relevant environmental context that brought about the concepts of Permaculture. The second video she explores the cosmology of the Ethics and Principles and how they apply specifically to those interested in herbal medicine. In the third video she shares key concepts as they pertain to decision making, energetic output and systems theory.

This course is perfect for those who are interested in learning herbalism from a holistic perspective and who want to expand their understanding of nature, politics, health and community. Sarah Wu is a passionate educational curator, facilitator and mentor dedicated to adult learners of all backgrounds. A representative for Mother Nature as a writer and teacher of Deep Ecology, Therapeutic Spiritual Ecology and Whole Systems Design shared through the lens of Herbalism and Permaculture.

Sarah Wu has 24 years studying and practicing the science, art and craft of Regenerative Herbal Medicine. Her foundation is in eclectic energetic and Western Wise Woman Traditions, actively practicing clinical herbalism in the Neo-Tropics for 15 years. With 30 and counting, 75+hour Permaculture Design Courses (PDC) in her portfolio, which encompasses earth sciences, regenerative strategies for human settlement design, community development and alternative social structuring. She teaches all aspects of herbal medicine from Materia Medica, ethnobotany, medicine making, formulation and anatomy/physiology. Sarah teaches workshops to young women, 10 - 16 years old about their physical and spiritual bodies in correspondence with lunar and planetary rhythms. Sarah attended the Tyler School of Art, where she immersed herself in the Fine Arts and Art History, Mythology, Symbolism and Philosophy. She is well versed, teaching archetypal symbolism and storytelling for personal reflection via Tarot and Modern Astrology.

A producer at heart, Sarah loves curating courses, workshops and events tailored to community, deep ecology, regenerative design and holistic health that highlight diverse and dynamic facilitators. Sarah is the friendly Village Witch, co-founder and producer of Envision Festival, a 10,000 person arts and culture event in Costa Rica (2011-present), where she curates the educational offerings spanning six stages and 300 hours. An international facilitator, Sarah has brought her teachings to the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Italy, Portugal, France and Germany.

Sarah lives with her husband, animals, plants and community off-the-grid half the year at their 2500 square meter homestead of the broader Tacotal Colectivo in the low mountains of Costa Rica, and the other half of the year in the coastal mountains of the La Marche region of Italy on a 1 hectare permaculture farm, in both locations they tend the land, teach, make medicine and host events.

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Regenerative Herbalism Foundations with Sarah Wu