Psychic Portals with James Van Praagh

Psychic Portals with James Van Praagh

This unique “Psychic Portals: Open the Portal to Your Psychic Abilities” training program with James Van Praagh is designed both for people who simply want to develop their intuition, and for advanced psychics and mediums.

In the “Psychic Portals” Masterclass, you’ll discover how to…
~ Get psychic information into the past, present, and future. (For yourself and others!)
~ Strengthen your mediumship abilities—receive clear messages from Spirit.
~ Identify your psychic type and understand how to develop your particular talents.
~ Instantly read the energy of others.
~ Gain the confidence to trust your intuition—and make decisions quickly.
~ Access different methods for using each Clair sense in psychic vs. mediumship readings.
~ Create your very own psychic tools for fully opening each sense.
~ Raise your spiritual vibration so you can more easily navigate the ups and downs of life.
~ Easily hear Spirit’s messages. (You’ll even make recordings of their voices.)
~ Create your personal reference library for each portal. (This is so crucial to build accuracy.)
~ And so much more!

During the 5 weeks of the Masterclass, James will show you how to tap into your intuition, receive clearer psychic insights, and unleash your mediumistic potential.
You will learn special exercises to strengthen your psychic and mediumship abilities or open the door to experience them for the first time…
And he will teach you fast and easy techniques that will enable you to fully master each of your clair senses and put them to work in your life and/or professional readings.

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Psychic Portals with James Van Praagh