LIO 2015 - 5 Pillars Kevin Schoeninger & Monica Augustine - Spiritual Life
Living in Oneness Interview Series
1h 3m
Steve Farrell, Kevin Schoeninger, Monica Augustine, Penny Heiple, and Carol Ryan join together in this beautiful call focused on what it means to live a spiritual life and how we can best trust and listen to our intuition. Kevin and Monica share specific techniques we can use to cultivate our daily spiritual practice and connect with our intuition. Monica & Kevin believe we can live rich and full spiritual lives, especially when we consciously dedicate ourselves to this intention.
In this call, Kevin shares how the first step on a spiritual journey is full acceptance of exactly where we are and who we are in this moment. At the same time we are practicing self acceptance, we cultivate our connection to our True Nature and connection with the Divine and all of Life. He then takes us through an incredible guided meditation where we all feel the beauty, light, and love within. Monica shares the story of her journey in learning to listen to her intuition, which came to her in the form of powerful dreams. She brings to us deep wisdom and insight in what it means to truly go within and listen for the guidance that is always there.
Please enjoy this beautiful call!
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