LIO 2014 - Arthur Samuel Joseph - Vocal Awareness
Living in Oneness Interview Series
In this call, Steve Farrell speaks with Arthur Samuel Joseph. Mr. Joseph has studied the physiological, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the human voice for five decades. As a classically trained singer with a Masters Degree in voice, Arthur says he tries to work at that level of excellence and awareness where ‘sort of’ just doesn’t get it done, like every act is a performance on a concert stage. He says this is the same level of insight, or conscious awareness, brought to people by Humanity’s Team, eventually enabling them to live at this level, moment to moment.
In his role as teacher, Arthur has been part of several schools of higher learning. He has written books, created workshops and seminars, and is the owner and founder of the proprietary method Vocal Awareness, which teaches empowerment through voice. His latest book is entitled, Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery.
As he explains in this call, voice is power and has its own vibratory nature. In Vocal Awareness, we learn how to live the empowerment of who we are through the quality of a loving breath, through the energetic connection of integrating our inner voice through our outer voice, and by understanding that it’s never just the message that is important. The messenger is equally so.
One of the fundamental themes of Vocal Awareness is spiritual pragmatism. It teaches us to be so mindful that every moment is an opportunity to embody mind/body/spirit (referred to as the trinity) and to live in fulfillment of what we are called to be. Just as rings from a splash cascade across the still pond impacting everything in their path, so too, do we each have an opportunity to make a splash. If one person can make a difference, just think what millions together can do.
Up Next in Living in Oneness Interview Series
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