Life After Death

Life After Death

The veil that separates those who are alive in the world and those who have moved on from their physical bodies is not as thick as you may have imagined it to be.
In fact, if you are open to receiving messages through that veil, those you know who have passed may have messages for you that could help you heal from your loss, as well as give you guidance on your challenges and opportunities.
They might even want to share messages with you on a regular basis that could help you to stay focused in the right directions to achieve the outcomes you are hoping to experience in your life.
You can even learn how to provide this service to others, asking their deceased loved ones' questions and receiving messages you can share that will provide comfort and guidance to them, as well.

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Life After Death
  • We Consciousness - Concept 23

  • We Consciousness - Concept 24

  • We Consciousness - Concept 25

  • We Consciousness - Concept 26

  • We Consciousness - Concept 27

  • We Consciousness - Concept 28

  • We Consciousness - Concept 29

  • We Consciousness - Concept 30

  • We Consciousness - Concept 31

  • We Consciousness - Concept 32

  • We Consciousness - Concept 33

  • LAD Module 2 - What Is This Teaching Me?

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the great benefits of shifting your perception of death and learning the invaluable lessons it has to teach us whenever it arises in our lives. They wil...

  • LAD - Module 3 - The Power of Pure Love

    “If you choose love, life will respond with love.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the profound experience of growing up in a loving, supportive, and open environment with parents who were modeling what it was to live their dreams and treat themselves and other...

  • LAD - Module 4 - The Mind Forget, But The Soul Remembers

    “Become a host to miracles instead of a hostage to circumstances.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the various signs that their father sensed his time on Earth was coming to an end, as well as the remarkable numbers of synchronicities around his passing. They w...

  • LAD - Module 5 - From No Where to Now Here

    “You'll see it when you believe it.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the signs that are far beyond coincidence that begin to emerge when the departed are right there in the room with you. They will discuss the power of showing gratitude to the Universe when goo...

  • LAD - Module 6 - Finding the Stars In Daylight

    “When we experience joy, we experience God.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Saje will explore ways to look for meaning in whatever you are experiencing, regardless of whether it’s good or bad, which will help you to move beyond your fear of death. She will discuss Wayne’s idea of “receivi...

  • LAD - Module 7 - Choosing Sooner

    “Become the student of your circumstances, not the victim.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena will explore the remarkable power of your thoughts and beliefs to directly affect and even create your experiences. She will discuss the tremendous benefits of learning not to “feast on your ...

  • LAD - Module 8 - Meditation and Miracles

    “Even in the most troublesome of times, my reaction is to choose stillness.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the extraordinary power of stillness to provide intuitive clarity, perspective, guidance, and even open the door for miracles to enter your life. They w...

  • LAD - Module 9 - The Geometry of Forgiveness

    “When we love ourselves, we refuse to allow others to manage our emotions from afar. Forgiveness is our means to that end.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena will explore the incredible power of forgiveness, for others, for ourselves, and for circumstances beyond our control that may ...

  • LAD - Module 10 - Yielding To Signs From The Universe

    “By listening, yielding, and being gentle, we all become disciples of life.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena will explore the critical role coincidence plays in our lives, including Wayne’s idea that coincidences are little “winks from God”— and not coincidences at all. She will f...

  • LAD - Module 11 - The Path Of Least Resistance

    “By surrendering everything, you create an energy field of receptivity for the solution to appear.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the idea that if the Universe is throwing up obstacles to you getting where you’re trying to go, it may be doing so for good reas...

  • LAD - Module 12 - Love Is The Ultimate Lesson

    “I end on love no matter what.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

    In this video module, Saje will explore the power and possibilities of living with Love as your foundation for everything. She will discuss the lessons her father taught about living this way while he was on the earthly plane, and even more so sinc...

  • LAD - Interlude with Timothy Noe

  • Mediumship Training Notes (PDF File)

    814 KB

    This downloadable PDF file is a companion to Karen's modules and the 33 concepts. Karen refers to these notes a certain points in her modules for you to get more information.