Introduction to Tai Chi with Master Leia Cohen

Introduction to Tai Chi with Master Leia Cohen

Tai Chi is the practice of feeling your body. You do this by using your mind and your breath as you execute the movements. Mindfulness cultivated with movement is a way to bring you back home into your body.
As you progress in this practice you will begin to perceive the internal state of your body. This will eventually give you the ability to identify, assess, understand and respond to the patterns and internal signals raising the awareness around what is working well in your body and what isn’t.

In this short course you will get an introduction into the internal art of honoring your spirit and building your body to maintain wellness. By dropping back into your body you can experience the present moment and find contentment in the now.

On your first day you will learn to energize with the warm up stretches. The second day you begin to connect with your breath. Day three you learn a beginners Tai Chi form and day four is for review.

Practice in the morning or practice in the evening or both. If you practice more than once repeat the same video for that day. Continue to loop around for a minimum of 28 days then you will be well on your way to creating a life changing habit of daily Tai Chi.

Leia Cohen wants to live in a world where people from all walks of life meet and share their knowledge. Where people maintain healthy lifestyles, and feel their best.

Throughout her life, Leia has lived among a variety of ethnic cultures around the globe. A large part of her training has come from her rich life experience. In 2012, she moved to China with her children to a traditional martial arts academy. There she homeschooled and trained Tai Chi for three years until she was certified as a Master Tai Chi Instructor.

She encourages you to find your personal balance through movement and eating healthy whole foods. Her students say that she makes learning Tai Chi and healthy living easy.

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Introduction to Tai Chi with Master Leia Cohen