Heaven on Earth & Beyond with Karen Noé, Paul Perry, & Raymond Moody

Heaven on Earth & Beyond with Karen Noé, Paul Perry, & Raymond Moody

You’re probably familiar with the idea that life on Earth can be heaven or hell depending on the lens through which you look upon it.

The reality is that until you fully understand the nature of death and the afterlife, and are able to see the larger context of your life’s journey, the world will probably resemble hell in many ways, with ongoing challenges and chaos that both disturb and disrupt your way of being.

But once you carry those perspectives and awarenesses with you in every moment of your day, you will quite miraculously be able to see the world for the heaven it can be.

You will then be a role model for others and a catalyst for them to begin embracing those life-changing perspectives, too.

In the “Heaven on Earth & Beyond 8-Week Online Masterclass featuring NDE (Near-Death Experience) and Afterlife experts Raymond Moody, MD, PhD and Paul Perry, & renowned psychic medium Karen Noé…
You will discover everything you need to know to become one of those who can clearly see Heaven here on Earth each and every day, as well as your place within it.
And you will be able to move ever forward in your life, with no fear of death, fully open to whatever arises on your continuing journey!

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Heaven on Earth & Beyond with Karen Noé, Paul Perry, & Raymond Moody