Healing The Past

Healing The Past

In our HEALING THE PAST 16-Module Masterclass, you will discover how to…
• Feel a sense of becoming and belonging in every moment you live
• Experience relational presence as a resource for healing, integration, and inspiration
• Experience trauma as an intelligent function of your personal evolution
• Use presence to reach a deeper understanding of what it means to trust in life
• Uncover the relationship of early trauma to lifelong health and wellbeing
• Make friends with your vagus nerve that carries information about gut feelings to your brain, and relays information about emotions from your brain to your heart
• Practice self-directed neuroplasticity in your daily life
• Use specific tools and techniques for shutting down your inner critic
• Access powerful and effective healing techniques you can use anytime you need them
• Break the cycle of pain in your family and in yourself
• More deeply embody your own higher wisdom in every moment, regardless of what is happening, to create a powerful healing state
• Recognize and nurture your own unique character strengths, as well as the strengths of others
• Protect yourself from the potentially traumatizing effects of technology and use it instead to expand consciousness and healing
• Avoid over-thinking in emotionally charged situations and trust your connection to deeper wisdom to be your guide
• Create a deep sense of inner safety
• Recognize the signs of collective trauma emerging in others so you can avoid getting caught up in it and can instead be a force for healing
• Use the transformative power of presence to manifest healing and huge leaps forward in every area of your life
• Many more teachings and tidbits in Truth!

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Healing The Past