Global Oneness Summit 2020

Global Oneness Summit 2020

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Global Oneness Summit 2020
  • Global Oneness Summit 2020 - AM Shout Out Love

    Featuring Special Guests Neale Donald Walsch, Emanuel Kuntzelman, Debra Poneman, Marci Shimoff, Rasha, Cassandra Vieten, Diane Marie Williams, Cynthia James, Anna-Mari Pieterse, Adil Kassam, Ben Bowler, Tushar Gandhi, Jon Ramer & SINE Network, Darius Barazandeh, Peter Melton, Faith Rivera, Julie ...

  • 01 - Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Opening Ceremony

    Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, Diane Marie Williams, Anna-Mari Pieterse, and Steve will start the day with a beautiful and connective Opening Ceremony to set the stage for the week of Summit panels ahead!

  • 2: Love is the answer with Marianne Williamson

    The “Love is the Answer” panel will explore…

    America’s desire and capacity to embrace love as a way of living our daily lives.
    The opportunities offered by the Covid-19 pandemic, and how this tumultuous time is opening doors for change.
    How to best address the marginalization and mistreatment o...

  • 3: Science of Evolution

    “The Science of Evolution” panel will explore…

    How a collective shift in thinking is the gateway to human transformation at a level unlike anything the Earth has seen.
    How to use love to reset humanity and literally create Heaven on Earth.
    Why cooperation, and not competition, is in our foundat...

  • 4: Life without Limits

    Featuring Michael Bernard Beckwith and Panache Desai. Hosted by Steve Farrell. The “Life Without Limits” panel will explore how each person has the power to choose to be an emanation of the Divine and literally radiate God’s Presence, how the Ultimate Reality of Oneness is the foundation of every...

  • 5: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - How Power of Love Makes the Impossible Possible

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is our guest. Hosted by Debra Poneman. The “How the Power of Love Makes the Impossible Possible” panel will explore: why humanity really needs a reset at this time: The true definition of love, the role of negative emotions and whether we should avoid or suppress them and why...

  • 6: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Living Your Life From a Place of Love

    Featuring Neale Donald Walsch. Hosted by Steve Farrell.
    The “Living Your Life From a Place of Love” panel will explore…
    Why Love is the foundation of living a happy, meaningful and fulfilling life.
    How to best approach living your daily life from a deeply connected place of Love and Oneness.

  • 7: Summiting Oneness 2020: a Compilation by Tim Noe

    “Global Oneness Day: the Documentary” is a short "best of" the Summit over its history.

  • 8: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Conscious Evolution

    Featuring Kurt Johnson, Betty Sue Flowers, Jeff Genung & Riane Eisler. Hosted by David Sloan Wilson.
    The “Conscious Evolution - Connecting the horizontal and vertical dimensions of human consciousness” panel will explore…
    How to make social change occur at scale through a common aim, widespread ...

  • 9: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Becoming a More Loving & Conscious Leader

    Featuring Steve Farrell and Brian Christopher Hamilton.
    The “Becoming a More Loving and Conscious Leader in Today’s World” panel will explore…
    Why love is the foundation of Conscious Leadership, and why this kind of leadership is critical for the evolution of our species.
    How to recognize and nu...

  • 10: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Love, the Unifying Power of Our Universe

    Featuring Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, and Dr. Anita Sanchez. Hosted by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr

    The “Love, the Unifying Power of Our Universe” panel will explore…
    The spiritual foundation of the Indigenous world-view—the ancient understanding of the fundamental oneness and intimate unity o...

  • 11: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Heart Coherence and the Overview Perspective

    Featuring Claudia Welss, Frank White and Jeremy Nickel.
    The “Heart Coherence and the Overview Perspective” panel will explore how "The Overview Effect", a direct experience of coherent Oneness named after the epiphany had by Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man to walk on the moon, and founder of the Ins...

  • 12: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Pivoting in the Time of Covid

    The “Pivoting in the time of Covid: Success and Healing” panel will explore…

    New ways for connecting during this time of social isolation.
    New methods to redefine your meaning of success as a result of a worldwide pandemic.
    Techniques for pivoting if your business has been shut down or you have...

  • 13: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Living with Loss as Our Teacher

    Featuring Anita Moorjani and Mark Nepo. Hosted by Karen Noé.
    The “Living with Loss as Our Teacher” panel will explore…
    What loss and grief can teach us individually and collectively.
    How grief and loss can affect your general well-being, and how to balance out their impact.
    Ways to live with los...

  • 14: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Who Owns Earth and Why it Matters

    Georgia Kelly, Dr. Marjorie Kelly Peter Matthies. Hosted David Korten and Dr. Kurt Johnson
    The “Who Owns Earth and Why it Matters” panel will explore…
    Why most discussions of ownership focus on income, when the foundational issue is ownership.
    The ways we all depend on the “commons” that none of...

  • 15: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Nourishing the Soul

    Featuring Dr. Larry Dossey, Gary Zukav, and James Twyman. Hosted by Karen Noé.
    The “Nourishing the Soul” panel will explore…
    How the soul is nourished.
    How the awareness that the soul can be nourished is important in the discussion of global Oneness.
    How to find your soul with your heart.
    How n...

  • 16: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Conscious Business Conscious Governance

    The “Conscious Business and Conscious Governance” panel will explore…

    Whether humanity can—through conscious choice—get into the “driver’s seat” of its cultural evolution, and steer us in positive directions for the good of all to avoid calamity or possible extinction.
    Why current dominant gl...

  • 17: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - The Role of Forgiveness in Freeing Ourselves...

    The “The Role of Forgiveness in Freeing Ourselves and Returning the Earth to Love” panel will explore…

    What forgiveness is and whether it is always necessary or even possible.
    How it is possible to break free from the trauma of our ancestral heritage that we carry in our genetic code.
    Examples ...

  • 18: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Interconnecting the Thematic Elements of...

    Xiye Bastida, David Korten, David Wilson, Geraldine Encina, Claudia Welss, Diane Williams, Jim Garrison, Steve Farrell and Kurt Johnson.
    The “Interconnecting the Thematic Elements of Global Transformation” panel will explore…
    The interrelatedness of elements critical to real-world transformation...

  • 19: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Oneness and Healing Through Integrative...

    Featuring Master Mingtong Gu, Grandmother Flordemayo, and Joan Borysenko. Hosted by Nathan Crane.
    The “Oneness and Healing Through the Integrative Wisdom of Indigenous, Eastern and Western Traditions” panel will explore…
    Why we're so disconnected as human beings, constantly at war, disagreement ...

  • 20: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - The Power of Loving Synergy to Reach and...

    Miranda Clendening, Jim Garrison, Emanuel Kuntzelman, Tim Noe and Ben Bowler. Hosted by Terry Patten
    “The Power of Loving Synergy to Increase Our Reach and Impact” panel will explore…
    How what we are attempting to accomplish in our work and in the world has changed since the pandemic began.

  • 21: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Planetary Awakening

    Featuring Patricia Ellsberg and Suzanne Hubbard. Hosted by Steve Farrell.
    The “Planetary Awakening” panel will explore…
    What it means to be an evolving human at the dawn of the First Age of Conscious Evolution.
    How our eventual evolution into what Barbara Marx Hubbard called Homo Universalis wil...

  • 22: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Beyond Religion

    Featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and David Sloan Wilson
    The “Beyond Religion and the Darwinian Revolution” panel will explore…
    Many spiritual and secular traditions arrive at a common awareness that the world is richly interconnected. With this in mind, it's important to take a systemic view...

  • 23: Global Oneness Summit 2020 - Celebrating Homo Universalis

    Featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard (in memoriam) and Host Steve Farrell.

    The “Helping Ourselves and Others to Move Toward the More Connective Future World We Want to Live in” panel will explore…

    How to ensure your days are filled with the kinds of creative and connective acts that drive evolution...