Eternal Bonds with Karen Frances McCarthy

Eternal Bonds with Karen Frances McCarthy

All the teachings and techniques you need to continue your relationships with loved ones in the afterlife

Death is not goodbye & you are not alone!
Anyone can learn how to continue relationships with loved ones in spirit form

Join this innovative masterclass and learn how to:
~ Enhance your sensitivity to loved ones in spirit form
~ Continue your relationships through the veil
~ Dispense with myths and superstitions
~ Learn to use signs for meaningful communication
~ Transform your life and your grief by knowing that love and life never die

You do not need mediumistic abilities. All you need is an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to try the techniques offered

This 5-session masterclass is designed for anyone who wants to learn to connect directly with loved ones in the afterlife. Your loved ones are with you. They intimately understand your life, challenges, joys, and thoughts and continue to share those experiences. Through signs, whispers to your intuition, and guiding your attention to helpful people and events, they make their presence felt in numerous ways. You only need to learn to be more aware of their loving presence. This masterclass, designed by Irish medium and best-selling author Karen Frances McCarthy draws on decades of personal experience and training to guide the bereaved or anyone wanting to continue relationships with their loved ones in spirit form. Anyone can learn these practices. The transformative power of this innovative program is designed to address the challenges of afterlife communication for everyone by honoring your grief and the beautiful relationship you continue to hold dear.

Using the immense power of mediumship to heal the heart, progressive Irish medium and best-selling author of Till Death Don’t Us Part, Karen Frances McCarthy CSNU strives to provide comfort in your time of need. She blends the Celtic mysticism of her upbringing with the loving-kindness of her Buddhist practice to bring messages of joy, healing, and support from your loved ones in spirit form. She offers healing mediumship and soul readings to restore harmony and well-being to your body, mind, and spirit.
An advocate of mediumship's ethical practice and healing potential, Karen underwent years of intensive training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in England and holds three Certificates of Recognition in mediumship, spiritual healing and public speaking from its governing body, the Spiritualist National Union.
As a teacher, she is inspired by her father, an Olympic Coach, who taught her to pursue excellence in teaching and help every student be the best they can be. Today, she teaches at the Shift Network, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, the Edgar Cayce Center, and the One Spirit Learning Alliance. She also offers talks and classes with the Global Afterlife Group in Australia. In television, she has written and produced documentaries, including producing Alchemy and The Crystal Cave with Deepak Chopra. She continues to write feature articles for The Irish Times, Irish Voice, Salon, HuffPost Religion, ad Beliefnet, among other publications.
She is a doctoral researcher studying the postsecular spirit at the University of Birmingham in England, a member of the prestigious Russell Group of Research Universities.

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Eternal Bonds with Karen Frances McCarthy