Embodying Eden: Shamanic Journeys for Healing & Ascension

Embodying Eden: Shamanic Journeys for Healing & Ascension

Embodying Eden: Shamanic Journeys for Healing and Ascension by Dr. Katherine Hall Newburgh

Welcome to your journey of healing and ascension! The shamanic journeys in this course are the vehicle of delivery for the frequencies of the New Eden, that is a stabilized state of unconditional thriving. By the end of this course, you will have re-programmed your subconscious mind, engaging it as an ally to live the life of fulfillment and joy that is your birthright.

These journeys draw from the ancient, feminine healing modalities of Reversing and Heart Imagery, offering a potent combination for powerful and irreversible healing. You will also experience Heart Toning and channeled light language. Through these eight sessions, mediated by your Higher Self, your subconscious will be re-ordered through the language of archetypes, images, and bodily sensations. Because these journeys exist outside of linear time, they catalyze rapid- sometimes instantaneous- healing. Please prepare for unexpected (and sometimes uncomfortable) shifts and changes in your body, choices, and life-circumstances as you proceed through this course. Stay open, stay gentle, and stay compassionate toward yourself as you accept that your life of thriving- and that which you truly desire- are not always what you expected!

Note: the shamanic journeys in this course were adapted from the book The New Eden: Paradise Retold, by Dr. Katherine Hall Newburgh.

Dr. Katherine Hall Newburgh (Kate) is the founder of Books of Eden Publishing and author of Finding Home: A Mystical Memoir, and The New Eden: Paradise Retold. She writes and records spiritual technology and tools for ascension in the form of books, articles, and shamanic journeys. She also offers private shamanic journeys, workshops, and teachings that uncover the deepest purpose and divine source of those who work with her. To learn more about her work, to work with her, or to find her books and recordings, visit www.booksofeden.com. To contact Kate directly, email [email protected].

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Embodying Eden: Shamanic Journeys for Healing & Ascension
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