Embodiment as the One Heart with Eva Millauer
Embodiment as the One Heart with Eva Millauer
Embodiment as the One Heart is a universal practice, aligning the verbal mind to the reality of no-separation and allowing the body to be a creative expression of the oneness of all of life. It also enquires playfully, yet intensively into the idea of separate self.
This introductory session to Embodiment as the One Heart takes you through an art exhibition, poetry, in-depth considerations and invitations to embodied self-enquiry. It gives you a first impression of what has become over the years a very comprehensive process of both learning the practice of embodied oneness and your unique expression of that, and also the enquiry into any belief that may want to uphold the idea of separation.
Embodiment as the One Heart is not a method or technique and doesn’t require any particular skills. It is a reminder - through embodied play- that we effortlessly are the one intelligence of life already. It is this intelligence that heals and teaches will transmute every idea of separation over time in its’ own incomprehensible ways.
If you feel moved to find out about the in-depth Foundation Course, please visit evamillauer.com
Eva Millauer grew up in Germany and studied Fine Art in Kassel and then Dance and Visual Practice at Brighton University. From childhood onwards she explored the principles of oneness and separation through painting, drawing, poetry, dance, comedy, storytelling, philosophical writing, photography and film making.
She studied many religious and spiritual teachings. Her intense search of more and more understanding of what life was about, was interrupted by a very sudden and unexpected opening into the reality of no-separation, which she instantly felt moved to express physically and in words. From then on her life was guided by the direct knowing of what always already is. She discovered that separative pattens she wasn’t aware of wanted to hijack non-separate reality and make it about separation again, for instance by showing up as spiritual grandiosity. She discovered how to more and more genuinely align every day human life and creative expression to what simply is the oneness of all there is already. Nowadays she very much enjoys to share the in-depth enquiry and now co-creative deepening of the understanding and potential of what embodied oneness really is with students of the Foundation Course. Every participant brings a unique gift to the process.