EGO & the Authentic Self with Rick Pursell

EGO & the Authentic Self with Rick Pursell

Our world is in crisis, and crisis is the driver of change.
Here we explore the route to positive changes through unleashing our innate potential.
Part 1 - How the EGO impacts on our life
Part 2 – The Authentic Self – who you are at the core

Rick is a trusted advisor, facilitating wiser, more intelligent behaviours, born out of consciousness.

His approach is to find better, more conscious ways of conducting our lives, so that everyone, every species and our Earth, benefits and grows from the experience.

As a Life and Spiritual coach, Rick provides one-on-one and group coaching to alleviate any limiting-beliefs, resistance to, or struggles with overwhelming challenges, to pave the way to a more satisfying and richly rewarding life experience, and enhanced relationships.

CO-FOUNDER & CO-DIRECTOR of Heaven in Bali Retreat Centre – Bali - operating for 15 years

o 10 years (over 2,000 hours) of delivering monthly retreats to individuals and groups.
o Using increased levels of consciousness as the key tool for change
o TEDx Speaker and author

o Rick specialises in making the able, more able, through injecting vibrant life, indigenous wisdom along with introducing new, practical strategies that birth the new paradigm, the long prophesied, New Earth.

WRITER – Constructive, Compelling Content

o Authored – “Cause No Harm – A Handbook for Humanity”
o Blogger on LinkedIn and other websites
o Creator of numerous eBooks


o Currently developing a series of online courses based on 50 years of coaching, retreat leadership and direct self-enquiry.


o VP & Advisor to the Board of Directors
o Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Specialist
o Area Manager, S.E. Asia, Middle East & Africa


o Royal Humane Society - Bronze Medal for Bravery
o Mention in Dispatched for Bravery – Vietnam War - 1969

EGO & the Authentic Self with Rick Pursell