Create Prosperity on Purpose with Ellen Rogin

Create Prosperity on Purpose with Ellen Rogin

Welcome to the Create Prosperity on Purpose video series, where we are committed to helping you build a better relationship with money and create a life of abundance and purpose.

In the first video, you’ll meet your expert guide, Ellen Rogin, who will share her four-part framework for creating prosperity on purpose: Aware, Clear, Care, and Share. As a financial intuitive, Ellen believes that personifying your relationship with money can help you hear the messages that money is sending your way, and she has developed powerful techniques to help you clear away any limiting beliefs and create space for more prosperity.

In video #2, we delve deeper into the topic of abundance and share techniques to activate your abundance receptors and eliminate negative thought patterns. You'll also receive a downloaded message from Money to help you train your brain to create the results you truly desire.

Video #3 is all about advancing your vision and turning your goals into reality. We'll share tools and strategies to help you speed up the goal-setting process and overcome limiting beliefs.

In video #4, we explore the true meaning behind your money and how you can make a bigger difference with it by caring for it in practical and energetic ways and sharing your good fortune with those who matter to you. We'll also talk about the material aspect of money and how you can do a reality check of where you're at with your money to improve your financial wellbeing.

Lastly, in video #5, we'll help you accelerate your money intuition by exploring the power of intuition and how it can help you become great with money. You'll learn how to develop your intuitive skills and listen to your inner voice to make wise financial decisions.

We are excited to have you on this journey towards creating prosperity on purpose, and we hope that you'll find these videos insightful and transformative. Let's unlock your full potential and create a life of abundance and purpose together.

If you’d like to receive a free copy of Ellen’s first book, Great with Money you can get that here.
Learn more about Ellen’s work with financial intuition at Messages from Money.

Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP® and Abundance Activist® is a money expert and financial intuitive who helps people transform their relationships with money so they can have happier, more abundant lives. Her book, Picture Your Prosperity, was a New York Times bestseller, and her work has been featured on CNBC, ABC, NPR, TIME, and Oprah Magazine.

As a CPA and CFP®, Ellen worked for many years as a traditional financial advisor before selling her successful wealth management firm. She now combines her intuitive abilities and financial experience to connect with the energy of money and deliver “Messages from Money” to her clients. Sounds weird? It did at first to Ellen, too! Yet people worldwide have found her understanding of their relationships with money to be uncanny.

Ellen’s consultations help people gain insights on how to grow their businesses, expand their wealth, and bring an increased sense of peace around money. She is also a sought-after speaker and has trained thousands of conscious financial advisors and entrepreneurs worldwide to use the “Art of Prosperity” to grow their businesses and their wealth.

Ellen serves on the Board of Directors for Metropolitan Capital Bank and Trust and The Ghana Scholarship Fund. She earned her MBA at NYU Stern School of Business.

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Create Prosperity on Purpose with Ellen Rogin
  • Create Prosperity on Purpose Welcome Letter PDF

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