Claiming the Heart's Dream with Kate Newburgh

Claiming the Heart's Dream with Kate Newburgh

In December of 2018, Kate experienced a profound, sudden, and irreversible spiritual awakening. This happened literally overnight so that, all at once, her old life stopped making sense.

Kate spent the following three years in what many would call a “dark night of the soul,” as she detached from what she had known in order to integrate the new reality she had awoken into. In the liminal space of becoming, she sought out spiritual practices for healing to awaken the parts of her soul that would, ultimately, bring her back to life. A long-time educator and researcher, Kate had already received her Ph.D in Curriculum. After her awakening, she plunged into a new, unmatriculated set of studies on ancient, mystic, and feminine healing modalities, studying with many healing masters both known and unknown. Through this journey of integration, she discovered a natural affinity with Shamanic Healing, Heart Imagery and Reversing. Kate began to receive many healing visions, which she started to capture in writing. While spending a year traveling in almost unbroken solitude, Kate shaped these new understandings of reality into her first book, The New Eden: Paradise Retold.

The New Eden: Paradise Retold - from which these eight shamanic journeys are adapted- is a culmination of her three years of healing. The book offers a bold retelling of the story of humanity, and your own personal story, as one of courage, worthiness and unconditional love. The New Eden: Paradise Retold is a form of spiritual technology, designed to stabilize in your being an elevated level of consciousness. For more information on Kate and her work, visit

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Claiming the Heart's Dream with Kate Newburgh