Access to Endless Resources with Advaitananda Stoian

Access to Endless Resources with Advaitananda Stoian

On a close inspection, one can see that the problem of resources is not that we don’t have, but that we use what we have unconsciously, ineffectively, and sometimes, not at all.

The universe is always rich and balanced, yet we are often disconnected from the abundance that naturally exists in the universe. We measure abundance in quantities so big as to “secure” any possible need or desire we may have, to have so much that we can’t fathom a way to reach the end. But if you look at how nature works, nothing is wasted. Everything that appears to be a little excessive later proves to be an investment, even towards huge leaps in evolution. Nothing is given without a clear purpose.

People across civilisations have tried to abusively take and accumulate everything they can, with all and any means, yet it has never proven successful long term. Discover how the laws and principles of the universe are in fact designed to support our success in fulfilling all our integrated goals.

Advaitananda Stoian has been practising and teaching yoga and meditation for over three decades. He is the co-author of the Esoteric Tantra Yoga course, and author of the Esoteric Meditation course, now taught in more than twenty countries worldwide.

With a background in nuclear science and research, Advaitananda has succeeded to unite traditional spiritual teachings with modern scientific discoveries in a revolutionary way, providing authentic yet accessible transformational tools for the modern person.

Advaitananda is the principal teacher and founder of the Institute for Quantum Transformation where he leads high-level programmes and courses that draw on universal principles and laws. Those who participate learn how to live and work in line with their true selves, get the most out of life at all levels and tap into and master the full potential of the brain and consciousness.

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Access to Endless Resources with Advaitananda Stoian