2028 - Here Comes the Light with Pete Smith

2028 - Here Comes the Light with Pete Smith

Welcome to “2028 – Here comes the light”!
This offering for humanity has been designed to bring directly into our line of sight, how we can create an amazing future from the power of human consciousness.
Now it is your turn to do just that, along with a group of the people who you ask to join with you. It may be family, friends, acquaintances, people you know from work groups, online groups, school groups… anywhere really. Anyone at any age can be part of this.
Quantum Physics and Consciousness research tells us that we create our own realities from our thoughts and our intentions. If enough of us do this, we actually bring into fruition the wonderful ideas, projects and visions that comes from the time we spend in the “2028 -Here comes the light” energy. We are creating our own destiny!
So here are a few guiding principles:
• Everyone who participates wants to create a better world for ourselves and the generations who come after us.
• We use the ‘language of possibility’ – there is no space for any negativity as that holds back our creativity
• You can work in small groups or large groups. Even as two people who look at the different scenarios over time. The important part is to have conversations.
• Access your creativity about the future and bring it into being. You can use paper and pens to write, coloured pencils/crayons and paper (great to get the kids involved), video resources to role play characters from the future – anything goes.
• Use the information across the scenarios sheets, or even make up your own scenarios for exploration.
• Keep all your resources and put them up around your home, workplace, office, on your social media accounts anywhere you like!
• When you are ready, feel free to share your outcomes on the Facebook page for ‘2028-Here comes the light!’.
So here’s how to get started:
1. Choose your awesome group, large or small
2. Watch the video to get some hints:
3. Look at the scenarios and see where you are drawn
4. Create a future for our beautiful planet
5. Share with others.
Have amazing conversations that echo the magnificence of humanity!

2028 - Here Comes the Light with Pete Smith
