2023 Global Oneness Summit
A FREE 4-Day Global Gathering and Celebration with performances, music, panels, mini-masterclasses, and immersive experiences guided by world-renowned Visionaries, Transformational Leaders, Scientists, and award-winning Musicians. There is something for everyone in the lineup of over 60 world-renowned conscious leaders including: Gregg Braden, Suzanne Giesemann, Rainn Wilson, Riane Eisler, Dr. Shamini Jain, Neale Donald Walsch, Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., Dr. Sue Morter, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Eben Alexander, Ken Honda, Debra Poneman, Steve McIntosh, Patricia Cota Robles, Andrew Harvey, Dr. Anita Sanchez, Dr. Robert Atkinson, Kristin Engvig, and many others. Join hundreds of thousands of like-minded people from around the globe as we experience and explore all the ways we can come together to celebrate, expand, and evolve our understanding of Oneness and all the ways we can use Conscious Creativity to transform our lives and create a better world where everyone and and everything on the planet can flourish.
Creativity Changing Lives
10-21 830 - Shout Out Love Day with Welcome & Blessing by don Oscar Miro-Quesada
10-21 900 - Self Empowerment & Cellular Consciousness
10-21 1000 - Transformation & Children's Books - LOVE & WONDER
10-21 1100 - Reaching Beyond the Veil
10-21 1200 - Evolutionary Women Transforming Lives
10-21 1300 - Creativity at Work: Thriving Organizations
10-21 1400 - Spiritual Lives Of Scientists
10-21 1500 - How a Developmental Perspective Promotes Oneness
10-21 1600 - Transformation - Empowered by a Unitive Narrative
with a Bonus Recording From Jude Currivan's 'Our Conscious (R)evolution'
10-21 1700 - A New Universal Dream
10-21 1730 - New Consciousness of Business
10-22 900 - The Power of Human Technology to Create and Love
10-22 1000 - Leading A Creative Life
10-22 1100 - Conscious Giving: The Happiness Connection
10-22 1130 - Living a Coherent Life
10-22 1230 - Living in Wholeness
10-22 1300 - Embodying the Sacred in the We-space
10-22 1400 - What it's Going to Take to Love the Whole World
10-22 1500 - Becoming the Creatrix: Sacred Feminine Sovereignty
10-22 1600 - What's Love Got to Do With It new
10-22 1700 - AI Doesn't Care - You Do
10-22 1800 - Prophecies, Dynamic Change and a New Global Civilization
10-22 1900 - Creativity Is Self Love